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by 512banque on 2 septembre 2024

test test

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by 512banque on 2 septembre 2024

test test

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septembre 2, 2024

test test

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Intercom Vs Zendesk: A Comprehensive Comparison Of Support Solutions

juillet 29, 2024

Zendesk vs Intercom A Detailed Comparison Zendesk is not easy to set up, and it takes time to do it right. The setup can be so complex that there are tutorials by third parties to teach new users how to do it right. When it comes to customer communication, Intercom has a perfect layout and […]

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Image Recognition with AITensorFlow

juillet 18, 2024

Image Recognition: Definition, Algorithms & Uses To get a better understanding of how the model gets trained and how image classification works, let’s take a look at some key terms and technologies involved. Thanks to image recognition and detection, it gets easier to identify criminals or victims, and even weapons. Helped by Artificial Intelligence, they […]

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What Is Google Gemini AI Model Formerly Bard?

juin 7, 2024

Natural Language Processing for Chatbots SpringerLink Drive customer satisfaction with live chat, ticketing, video calls, and multichannel communication – everything you need for customer service. Writesonic arguably has the most comprehensive AI chatbot solution. In this powerful AI writer includes Chatsonic and Botsonic—two different types of AI chatbots. It handles other simple tasks to aid […]

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What are the key benefits of AI in the travel industry? by Rathnakar Reddy

février 13, 2024

Top 6 Travel and Hospitality Generative AI Chatbot Examples AI chatbots can analyze user data and use the insights gained to offer personalized recommendations. The way AI chatbots can transform marketing in the travel industry is revolutionary. They can automate customer interactions, collect valuable user data, offer personalized recommendations, and much chatbot for travel industry […]

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How to fine tune large language models LLMs with Kili Technology

novembre 20, 2023

2404 14122 Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Translate: Will a Touch of Noisy Data in Misaligned Languages Suffice? This allows building domain experts while maintaining the general competencies of the base model. We now have our main model, which can generate a response given any prompt (by sampling the response tokens sequentially and feeding the […]

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CasperJS ou comment construire un submitter open source

mars 31, 2014

Notes préliminaires : cet article vise essentiellement les développeurs, pas les cliqueurs fous qui vont demander en commentaire « j’ai installer sur windows xp mer sa marche pas ». Tout ce qui est expliqué ici l’est à titre éducatif, vous êtes responsables de ce que vous faîtes. Aucun support de ma part. Version courte en cliquant ici. […]

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Géolocaliser ses SERPs à l’échelle ultra-locale

octobre 21, 2013

D’abord aux USA, puis plus récemment et progressivement en France, Google Venice a définitivement changé l’aspect des SERPs. Sur de plus en plus de mots-clés, parfois très génériques et de manière parfois pas très pertinente, Google propose des résultats géolocalisés. Pour modifier cette géolocalisation, on peut aller tout simplement dans « Outils de recherche » puis cliquer […]

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